Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Story...Continued.

The day of the 2nd scan arrived and as you can imagine I was apprehensive. I didn't realise how emotionally stressed I was until I let fly with the sonographer. I let her know how upset I was not to be given ALL information regarding the embryo at the last scan. She told me she would have acted the same as the last sonographer because she has seen things improve from a seemingly worse position than my embryo and they wouldn't have wanted to worry me.

I said (and I still claim) that that is not their decision to make. I should have been given ALL information good and bad. I should have been told that there were some concerns but that they had seen positive results from what appeared to be more questionable results than what they were seeing with my embryo. I pointed out that I had to discover the concerns by myself without the support of medical staff or more importantly my husband. If I had been told at the time of the scan I would have been less distressed that I was having to discover the information myself.

I then lay down for the scan...and sobbed, and sobbed and sobbed.
I couldn't stop crying.
I knew!
She then told me she couldn't see anything that looked like an 8wk embryo.
I cried again.
I don't want to do this!!
I don't want to do this again!!!!

I than had a transvaginal ultrasound which gives a clearer picture and all was confirmed. The embryo had died a few days after the first scan. I cried some more.

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