Thursday, November 12, 2009

Want to have a guess?

How many follicles will I have tomorrow morning?
Appointment is at 7.45am.
I am not braving it alone, Ronnie will be there to hold my hand.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guess What I Got Out of the Fridge this Morning?

Did you guess right?

Yep, we started another cycle! We aren't really broasdcasting this cycle, not keeping it a secret really, just not telling everyone like I did the first time. It is safe to post here though as I think only two of my sisters check my blog...Hi Allison and Kathryn!!!

It was hard last time to explain to people about our cycle being cancelled. In doing research prior to beginning treatment I never understood why people on forums would discuss whether to tell people about their treatment or not. I thought they chose not to tell people out of shame. I was not and am not ashamed of undergoing IVF. In fact, I am very grateful that we have the technology and means to be able to help us have children. I was so excited by the possibilities that I told a lot of people.

I now understand that it is much more of am emotive process than I had ever contemplated and being confronted with those emotions through questions about the process is very taxing. Sorry to all those I judged. It was not out of malice just lack of understanding. I now understand a bit more.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Have you ever been excited by the prospect of giving yourself injections twice a day, being moody and having hot flushes?
I am,
I am,
I am!!!!!