Sunday, July 31, 2011

Love and marriage.

Jack or Captain Jack Sparrow to some...

It has been a long time since I have felt like writing.

Things have been very difficult.

Grief hurts.

But I am healing.

So much so that I can contemplate trying again.

I am healthy.

And as I suspected there was nothing wrong with the baby.

It was a little boy.

I knew it was a boy.

I felt it.

Campbell (me nephew) asked what I called him.

I told him he hadn't been given a name.

Campbell suggested "Jack".

Aiden (another nephew) expanded on that "Captain Jack Sparrow".

Boys!!!! I almost had one.

It was beautiful to have what I felt confirmed.

It gives this baby an identity.

It contributed somewhat to the loss though. Does that make sense?

I didn't loose a baby of indiscriminate nature, I lost a son.

Although I felt that loss more keenly I am glad I know.

Life goes on.

I am finding happiness again.

I am finding courage.

I am growing confidence.

I am woman!