I asked again:
Is there anything to be concerned about?
No bleeding?
Things look good?
The answer was a repetition of the earlier statement:
What we would want to see at this stage is a fetal heart beat and we have that.
Oh, can you imagine my happiness at hearing those words!
The relief,
The joy,
The excitement!
A week of waiting beings.
The inevitable happens -
My whole world came crashing down the next morning. I was looking for a lovely picture of the embryo to show off when I came across the report from the ultrasound. A complete reversal of emotion in one split second - from joy to devastation.
Oh no, please no!
I don't want to do this again!
I don't want to loose another baby!
Please, nooo!
I want this pregancy!
I want this baby!
Please, help me!
Please, please, no, no ,nooo!!!!
I don't want to do this all again.
A week of waiting beings.
A week until the 8wk scan.
A week of praying.
A week of hoping.
A week of sadness.
Oh please, help this baby grow strong and healthy.
The inevitable happens -
The 8 wk scan.
But I think I'll continue that story later.
My heart hurts a little at the moment.
Oh Annette....my heart just breaks for you! It is so very, VERY unfair.