Friday, April 30, 2010

What Have You Been Eating Lately?

I have been eating these.

But, wish I had been eating those instead.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Guess What....

is in here?
(or at least something like it)

One of our embryos was able to be frozen.

What a total surprise!!!!!

That will be one cool kid!

Ha ha...couldn't resist.

While looking for a picture to show you what the little frozen embryo would have looked like I found this. Fantastic! Well...fantastic if you are interested in embryo development.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1? 2? No, 3!!! And Back to 1!

Initially, there was one fertilised embryo.
The next day another was discovered.
Then on Sunday when I called for my transfer time,
I was told there were three.

We had embryo number 1 transfered yesterday morning.
It's siblings were not as far developed.
In fact, it looked like 3 had stopped developing.
2 wasn't looking so great either,
They expect he will not be of good enough quality to freeze.

No photos this time.
Had to quickly run out the door.
It was a last minute acupunture appointment.
Fabulous, and she came in on a public holiday too.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Party was a Fizzle!!!

Apparently the party was a fizzle!
The sperm were all ready to party,
But the eggs were a not a easy as I thought.
I was wrong...
It wasn't a sure thing!
Only one of the nine eggs collected fertilised.

Where to here for here?
That all depends on this one little embryo.
I'll keep you posted.

Reminds me of this joke I posted one other time.

Not so funny today....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Eggcellent Party on Wednesday!

Ronnies beautifully shaped, mobile sperm, with a sense of direction are invited to:

9:00 am Wednesday morning.

Entertainment provided by Annette's stunningly gorgeous, wonderfully matured eggs.

PS-The eggs are easy - It's a sure thing!!!!
Don't be shy - go for it boys!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Netty, Netty, How do your Follicles Grow?

With Puregon, silly!

And they are growing well. May I be so rude as to say that I am slightly disappointed with what appears to be low numbers? However, the dominate feelings is one of gratitude that there is a nice number to work with.
7 look lovely
1 is a little smaller

I'll go back in a couple of days to see if the follicles are ready to have their eggs collected.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Books - an escape!

Did I ever tell you that I now hesitate every time I say ESCAPE?
Ronnie teases me,
I say ex-cape instead of es-cape.
I never knew until he teased me about it.
Now, I hesitate and make sure I am pronouncing it correctly.

Anyway, back to the original reason for my post.

I am looking for recommendations.

Recommendations for good books to read over the next three weeks.

I am hoping it will help the time pass.

Help me escape the wait!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feelings - The Latest Cycle

Scared of not getting pregnant,
Scared of getting pregnant,
Scared of my emotions.

I wondered how I would cope with it all,
I wondered how I would cope with another disappointment,
I wondered how I could control things I cannot.

Yesterday, I decided to focus on the present,
Yesterday, I decided to be happy with my life,
Yesterday, I felt the first flutterings of excitement.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Check out the Bruise!

It looks better in real life.

The camera doesn't bring out the colours.

It is a beautiful purple colour.

The Brownies were YUMMY!

The beaters even tasted good!!!
Ronnie cooked a lamb roast.
I cooked the brownies.
Lamb Roast and Brownie Blasts!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Up to date!!!!

So now my blog is up to date,
Just a little more of the journey to share.

It has been difficult.
And it is with trepidation,
That I take this next step.
Yesterday I pulled and old friend out of the fridge.

And gave myself a massive bruise.
I took a photo.
It really is a pretty colour!
Maybe I can make a smiley face this time.
With purple lipstick!

I have changed clinics.
I am taking more drugs this time,
In the hopes of getting more follicles, that means more eggs,
And therefore more embryos.

My Christmas Presents!!!!

Those who know and love me may suggest that I am impatient.
I like to think of it as determination.
So you can imagine how "determined" I was to find out what was in
the large box sitting under my Christmas tree.
Ronnie was equally determined not to give any hints.
Christmas morning I opened it up!
I found a juicer!
Inside the juicer box I also found another gift,
Beautiful earrings!!!
By the way,
My favourtie juice is banana and mango!
A week after Christmas.
Ronnie and I got another present.
I discovered I was pregnant.
Yea! Hip hip hooray!
A natural conception too.
As you can imagine.
We were estatic.
Unfortunately, that little embryo,
Didn't stick around for the party either.
I misscarried.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


This was us on the way to getting our first ever embryo transfered.
I was excited!
The embryo was perfect!
We saw a picture!
I much prefer the natural way of trying to concieve!
We got to try that way again.
This little embryo didn't stick around for a 9mth party!

The Journey Continues....To Egg Collection!!!

The last I told you of our journey
(or should I say rollercoaster) of making babies

Incase you don't know about follicles and all the other stuff,
Here is a link that will tell you more.

By the way, Kathryn guessed right.
There were 7!

So from there the journey continued...
I had eggs collected from the follicles.
When I woke up this is what I saw.

I was happy with 6 eggs.
It wasn't a big haul but sure was better than a cancelled cycle.
(not sure if the camera put 10kg on my hand or whether I was retaining fluid).