Friday, September 3, 2010

77% Chance...

Things have been hard.
I was just going to say I won't bore you with the details.
But...the details aren't boring, they are full of hurt.
Sadly, people don't really talk about how they feel about a miscarriage.

This time it is much harder,
I feel the loss,
I feel the sadness,
I feel empty.

And yet I have to go on working, being a wife, a sister, a daughter and an aunty.
Who wants to be around someone trying not to cry all the time?
And yet...I hurt and I need to cry, and cry a little more if needed.
Hmmm....I might take a few days off work.

So...what about this 77%.
Saw the fertility specialist on Wednesday.
Apparently I have a 77% chance of "going to term" next time.
Apparently there is optimism to be found in having a pregnancy.
Can I just have a successful one next time?

Am still to post holiday pics...
Maybe tomorrow...


  1. hugs to you...from a nobody out in bloggerland who is reading and feels for you.

    I went through 5+ year of infertility...I hated who I was, who I became. I was the worst version of myself.

    It's ok to do it. Cry lots and feel your loss...just as I'm sure you'll cry happy tears next time when it happens.

    77%... two lucky sevens sounds good to me.

    Good luck!

  2. Cry and cry some more. Not only are you grieving a lost pregnancy, you are also grieving a lost opportunity to have a become a mother to a much wanted baby.

    Maybe the 77% stands for 7 pound 7???


  3. And from your cousin who wishes there was something, anything, she could do to make this even a fraction easier for you - cry when you need to, be brave when you need to. We all love you and understand you are doing the best you can.

  4. Thank you my lovely sister, cousin and blogger friend. Your thoughts comfort me...a shared hurt is a hurt that becomes lighter somehow - a beautiful phenomenon. XOX
