Friday, October 22, 2010


3 eggs collected
3 eggs fertilised
Can't get better fertilisation rates than that!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

To blog or not to blog....

That has been my question.

I decided after my miscarrige that I wasn't going to talk about my next IVF cycle or pregnancy. I kept crying when people would ask me how I was doing and I felt embarrassed. And yet a felt so comforted know and feel love from family and friends.

I have also missed the theraputic element of writing my thoughts down. Yes, I know I generally don't get to deep in my thoughts and feelings on my blog, but writing helps me find some fun in the experiences I am having. Just a funny side-effect...

So, to catch up and get a little clarity of thought, I'll tell you of the latest happenings.

I told you of our last fertility specialist appointment - the 77% conversation. At that appointment we also discussed the plan for the "next cycle". Well, that cycle is well underway. I say well, but really I feel totally crappy about it all. I have had the worst headaches and my ovaries have taken a holiday. They have only produced 4 follicles! You may remember that this is a low response and led to a cancelled cycle. Not a consideration this time - I am going ahead.

Egg collection is Thursday.

To be truthful - I don't hold out much hope for this cycle. Call that what you will -pessimism, realism or self-preservation. I was hoping to a least get some to freeze. Sometimes quality is better than quantity. Oh, did I just see a glimmer or hope?

This all just seems to much at the moment.
I am hurt.
I am scared.
I am disappointed.
I am to scared to be excited, happy or hopeful.